Sunday, November 14, 2010

Memory Enhancer Tips

almost everytime i come to work or everyday, there is always something missing or something i forget to bring with me, for instance i forgot to bring my i.d., my 2316 form, my cellphone and everything that has important value for me that know guys my aunt always reminds me to take a memory enhancer vitamins or she'll remind that we should at least prepare memory enhancer foods in our table. For example: cabbage and everything that is leafy... Cause according to her even if at her age of 71 there is only a few things that she can remember that she accidentally forget something. Because during her times even if memory enhancer vitamins were not not yet common only a diet (eating green leafy vegetable especially broccoli and cabbage) that she continuously practice up to now is the key to her sharp mind at her age of 71...:)

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