Wednesday, November 10, 2010

all under heaven

what is the significance of this three words "all under heaven"?.
well this words will help choose and help you change your views in life...
let me tell you where i got this this idea...
Once upon a time there was an assassin whose mission is to kill the ruthless King in the other land.
The King was the reason on the deaths of many people of the minor kingdoms that he conquered in his war wherein if not a casualty of his war, they were force to work till death.But then the assassin's mission is too difficult to execute, since the King is surrounded with his elite bodyguards. So the assassin seek help from previous assassins who almost end the life of the King but then withdraw their missions. He ask them to surrender their weapons to him so that he will present that one to the king himself and disguise that he already liquidate the adversaries of the king, and in order to get near him to extract him easily, since previous assassins were known for their astounding skills in their weapons of death. So then previous assassin gave the latter his wish, but then, when he was about to start his mission he was being warned by one of the previous assassin to withdraw, but the latter insist, since the King was also the reason why his parent's died and their village burned down to the ground. So, he continue to his mission and at the gates of the King's court he was then met by the King's advisers hailing for his bravery and loyalty to the King since they thought that he was the one who killed and capture the weapons of the King's mortal enemies. So they then treated him as a very important guest, and at night he was invited to dine with the King himself. So since he is very eager to continue his plot he then goes. At the dinner, they were having a conversation with the King and the King ask him this questions, how did you get rid of my mortal enemies? where are you from? tell me your name? ...So the assassin answered this questions perfectly with his own versions and King almost believe in his statements but then there was this kind of thing that the King possess who will tell if his subordinates is telling a lie or not so then he use it and he found out that the one he is talking to right now is the ultimate assassin that is pursuing him for years. So then the King ask this question, what is your really motive why you were here? so the assassin found out that the King already discovers his plot, so he answered it straightforwardly that he wanted to end the life of the King. And then the King also speak to him boldly saying "i am satisfied with my life and since that is your wish i will grant it to you" so the King throw his personal sword to the assassin to finish his mission, he was about to stab the King when there was something got into his mind, the word of the previous assassin that he befriend saying "that you must not kill the King ,even though his a ruthless conqueror, it already destined, it is all under heaven that he will unify our kingdom territory into one nation" So he told the King about his sudden decision and the reason why he change his plans... So the King then told him " i never knew that my arch enemy understands me the most than my councilors". So then he was about to leave the court that the King even offered him land and money, but then he refuses...For the sake of the meaning of this three words "All Under Heaven".


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