Thursday, March 17, 2011

Where are my Manga Heroes

Japan land of the Rising Sun. Be still, for what you are undergoing today, it shall be your prosperity tomorrow. Japan my second most favorite country was very known for it's people and resiliency. You had already overcome the events of the past. Today's catastrophic events may just be one of your checklist of events in the future.

I've always wanted to visit this country to see some memorable landmarks that i can only see in the TV, the Hachiko monument and the calmness of Mt. Fuji and even glance at Imperial Palace to think that the oldest reigning monarch in the world is in there. I've always wanted to be a writer, the genre that the Japanese writer had in mind is very interesting because you don't know the twist on it. I love reading manga, and Japanese manga is the best. I am always updated during Thursdays and Sundays for Bleach, Naruto &One Piece manga. I have always admired Japan for its way of living and the way they live their lives.

I was so shocked when i heard the news last Thursday. First thing that comes to my mind was the old people  and the children. When I saw the video on TV and the internet i was thinking that the people in that place that was struck by tsunami was already evacuated then i just heard the news about thousands of casualties. Deep inside me is crying it was mix emotions even if i am not a citizen of Japan. I was also thinking about my mother land the Philippines what if we were in that place, what if that happened to us i cannot imagine it.

I was also imagining if the heroes in Japanese manga exist then maybe the entire village that was struck by tsunami was already evacuated by ANBU special ops and lady Tsunade's Katsuyu is already tending to the injured and Naruto is using his "kegebunshin" to help evacuate people and Goku and the saiyan people may have push back the tsunami wave back to the Pacific ocean.

Still I am very positive that the people of Japan will once again surpass this crisis. With the help of our fellow humans.
Anata wa, kono kami wa Nippon o shukufuku okonau koto ga dekimasu...Go go go Japan..:)


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